Outreach Activities: Acera Elementary School Visit: In December, 2012 REAP Labs hosted the Acera Elementary School from Melrose, MA for a day of science, education, and ice cream at the Tufts Science and Technology Center. Besides touring REAP Labs, the students also viewed Dr. Panzer's Green Energy and Nanostructures Electronics Lab and Dr. Omenetto's Ultrafast and Nonlinear Optics and Biophotonics Lab. A presentation the students put together from their experience can be viewer here: Acera Student's Presentation. Summer Scholars: The Tufts Summer Scholars Program is a University-wide initiative that offers research apprenticeships with faculty/clinical mentors to motivated Tufts undergraduates. The Program gives students a chance to be on the front line of discovery and scholarship at Tufts today. Every Tufts school, department, and research center provides opportunities for interested students to experience research first hand. By exploring the challenge of creating new knowledge, we bring learning to life. REAP Labs has hosted an average of 1 summer scholar each summer. FIRST LEGO League (FLL): is an international program that allows kids to design, build, and program their own robots. Flexing their creativity, innovation, and teamwork skills, students work together to solve engineering problems.Each year, the project theme and challenge focus on a “real-world” problem.The FLL program incorporates two projects: a robotics challenge and a group presentation based on the year's theme. Bringing Engineers into New Disciplines (BEND): The mission of BEND is to create a short term training institute for undergraduate students in the quantative sciences to train in several aspects of biomedical research, including nutrition, genetics, and medical imaging. Its goal is to bring engineers and scientists together in multidisciplinary teams to solve new problems in health related biomedical research that, traditionally, have not been avenues for bioengineering. The program will be open to undergraduates in engineering and other scientific disciplines. Robotics Academy: The Robotics Academy is multi-disciplinary, hands-on, team based learning through robotics. It is committed to making the engineering of robotics more accessible to everyone, not just engineers and engineering students. By taking a multidisciplinary approach to robotics engineering, the Academy's members will teach what they learn to children and teachers in area schools as well as the greater public.